A new Earth

I’m currently reading the book “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle, and I am quite enthralled by it.  I am stuck on one particular phrase:  “I don’t mind what happens.”  Here is the context: J. Krishnamurti, the great Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher, spoke and traveled almost continuously all over the world for more than…

Take a few SIPS

You might all be familiar with my fascination/obsession with tiny houses.  I went to a workshop earlier this year on how to build them, and, although I’ve put my plans on hold for a while, I’m still very interested in knowing the best way to build them and the best layouts for livability. The thing…

Bargain hunting

I am a bargain hunter.  I work hard for every penny I make, so I don’t want to waste any more of it than I have to on the things I need to buy in life.  I’m a serious Craigslist addict after having found so many amazing deals on really great stuff.  I have been…

Amazing Meal vs Vega

Being a vegetarian (and someone who likes to be healthy), I try to find ways to get more protein (and other nutrients) into my diet in an unobtrusive way.  (For example, without eating a big bowl of soybeans.)  Because I make a fruit smoothie every morning for my breakfast, it made sense to get a…

Cold virus hell

I have been consumed by the evil demon that is the common cold virus.  It had been stalking me for 3-4 days, and then yesterday it landed on me like a ton of bricks.  I slept all morning and ingested glass after glass of various teas, juices and potions.  I didn’t really sleep last night,…

Island symphony

Today I went snorkeling for the first time!  Twice!  It was incredible – truly a surrealistic experience.  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity.  It is something you can never imagine unless you actually do it. Then Jim and I got to have a night out alone.  We went to dinner at a…